
  1. Art0ir

    JE Design Styling Kit - Comments?

    Sorry if this is a repost, but did a search and nothing came up. Just came across this Don't know what to make of it really
  2. New owner of FR some comments and questions

    Hey guys Well I finally upgraded my mk1 1.6 Leon - it was getting on a bit - Y reg! To a nice new(ish) FR with only 4K miles. Bought it without seeing it and ended up with the 18" wheels and Bluetooth Kit without the dealer even knowing about it! Absolutely loving it and it has a hell of a...
  3. Comments about economy

    Two questions: First, what's the best figure/max range that people have achieved between fill-ups? I just got back to Glasgow after a round trip to Oldham, and managed 65.5mpg (and 443.7 miles) on a tankful. Mind you, even though I succeeded in doing what I set out to—drive the whole way...
  4. M87NER

    Cannot view peoples comments or post im my thread?

    Hi, Can someone tell me why i cannot post in my thread or view the last post that some one wrote? if i try to reply in my thread i get ' Your submission could not be processed because the token has expired. ' :confused: Thanks
  5. Tfsi_Mike

    Cupra Rolling road Results... Comments please

    With apr stage1, carbonio, forge dv (with spacer) & today having had turbo back miltek fiitted (3"dp with 2.75" cat back) my cupra got the following.... Was done at tsr in bridgewater. First couple of runs was only getting 275. Guy said it was too hot. After lowering the load...
  6. Picking up my Cupra tomorrow... your comments please.

    Is there anything I should check for before taking delivery of the car? Thanks!
  7. Quick exhaust and REVO question... comments plz guys

    Morning all! saved some pennies up for REVO for my pretty much standard mk3 (baileys DV30 and jabbasport induction kit being only mods) i'm also after an aftermarket exhaust but cannot decide which to go for, so i was wondering is it worth waiting until i have an aftermarket exhaust fitted...
  8. Suspension and Seatbelt comments

    Ok..... I am having a great time with my Cupra but I am noticing that a few things need to be looked at. The most annoying complaint that I have is when I roll down the windows and I am going fast or braking hard the damn passenger-side seatbelt is hitting the pillar making a racket... Seems...
  9. CupraJay

    Comments on TFSI

    Just been down to the caldicot seat dealership. Was hoping to test a new FR..but theres aint arrived yet. Ended up looking at a new TFSI. and it seems to not be a world apart from the fr. 15 HP..which is bugger all. And some badges ect. This TFSI also had the optional bodykit and...
  10. Pabs

    4 wheel alignment results - comments please

    Hey all... Here are my 4 wheel alignment results from last week. Now, does anyone care to comment on these? The car still pulls to the left badly (IMO) and I want to improve it, but I really cant see what else to do. I've had this problem since buying the car about 2yrs ago. Since...
  11. BHP Addict

    Comments please..

    N2O ... NOS ... Nitrous Oxide ... Comments on fitting to LCR please :cheers:
  12. C3 LJG

    No more Nemo comments!!

    Finally got rid of the larger drivers side mirror has been the biggest thing i have hated about the car since getting it. It is an expensive swop but worth it. Before: Mirrors: Afters:
  13. Various logs, Comments welcome

    Just been out on the A5 doing some logging, comments welcome on the plots. These are for fault finding in the hope I can discover whats causing my low MPG at the moment. The car is a Jabba remapped Octavia 1.8T which has the K03S turbo
  14. Trapper

    Thinking of getting DSG any comments

    Hi All Thinking of chopping in my FR+ for a new Leon DSG. Been told by the doc to get an auto car. I would be very greatful for any guidance. Cheers:cheers:
  15. cupra_matt

    EVO Sheild Comments.

    Iam well on my way to upgrading the ibiza, ive just got hold of a brandnew K03s, will be ordering my FMIC and sports cat next week and i was wondering if the EVo Sheild is worth while? any comments are appriciated, And also can anyone think of anythin else i will need on top of the following...
  16. Ant FR

    Opinions required, sensible comments only please

    Ok, Due to a slight change in personal circumstances looming on the horizon I have had a sudden need to have a rethink on changing the car. Don't want to lose the mk4 Ibiza as i like it so much. However it looks like my £320 month habit of petrol has to stop an this woul dmean knocking the...
  17. andyb

    Official: New 2005 Toledo (Production)- your comments go here!

    following on from our thread on the Toledo, ( ), SEAT have now shown off the production version of the next generation Toledo. You can reads Zboyd's report on the new Toledo here:-...
Genuine SEAT Parts and Accessories.