
  1. Redrckt

    R8 coilpack

    Anyone installed the r8/S3 coilpack? just wondering if this makes a difference at all in gains for a map, cheers
  2. Coilpack

    Hey, Mate just text me saying " think i have been done, just paid £300 to get the coil packs done" Its an 03 IBIZA 1.4 SE Sounds a bit steep to me? Chris
  3. Coilpack problem?

    Im at work, and have just left to go home and my car appears to be buggered! It's misfiring all over the shop, wont even idle without the revs dipping, then ECU seems to be adjusting somerthing to bring revs back to 800, then they will dip again, then after 3rd or 4th time it will eventually...
  4. k30nyg

    Coilpack problem

    im stuck lol:help: , my mk 3 cupra was running on 3 soo i decided to change the offending coil pack , stiil didnt solve the problem, was still running on 3 . went to move it from my drive way out onto the street and it startd running even worse then died and now it wont fire :wtf::think:, i...
  5. coilpack issuse?

    Right read this forum over and over, from what it sounds like, my coilpacks/pack has gone, i've tried everything i could find on the forum, i took each one out and started the car, from left to right the first 2 i did the couldn't would even start the last one the car started with the problem...
  6. Coilpack again... which clyinder is number 2 (1.4 Sport 16V)

    6 weeks ago I had a coil-pack go (and took out the connector as well). On the way back home for Christmas the engine light came on, the car ran rough for the 6 mile to the services (last time the engine lost power stragiht away). I've picked up an ECU reader and coilpack after last time...
  7. SalSheikh

    coilpack compatability

    just read this on another forum: so what do you think?
  8. Coilpack gone?

    Was driving around normally earlier and the car just started to run really rough, was getting a juddering feeling almost like I was in the wrong gear. I pulled over and the car was idling badly and the engine management light start to flash. Turned off then on again and it still did the same...
  9. AlexGSi2000

    Does this sound like a coilpack?

    Since Friday, every now and again when I put my foot all the way down in 4th or 5th I notice a slight misfire, the boost holds. Its fine under normal driving, but when my foot goes all the way down I get the above. I haven't got any EM light, may get it on vag-com later and see if the ECU...
  10. M20FES

    VAG-COM Control module for coilpack

    Hi, iam trying to find out why my excess pollution light is on. I have VAG-com 409.1 and the usb cable, but for some reason the autoscan feature comes up with a error about registering the software, but i can scan individual modules. Does anyone know what the module numbers i need to scan for...
  11. cupraRgstar


    Evening everyone, Hope someone can clarify what is going on. After work tonight i had to nip round the corner to fill the motor up about 100yards from the station the car hiccuped slightly but just thought it was something to do with being really low on...
  12. Coilpack question/problem?

    Noticed that almost every time I open my bonnet coil pack 3 isn't sitting properly. Its almost popped out. I normally just push it back in and think nothing of it. It doesn't seem to make any difference if its slightly out but I was wondering if it is going to do anything detrimental? And...
  13. greesha

    Misfires (coilpack on the way out?)

    Hello, I have some serious problem last few weeks and its actually getting worse. It happens especially when engine is still cold. When i put my foot down it misfires (terrible loss of power - feels almost liek ESP kicks in with a big bang from exhaust). When i put gas pedal only half way...
  14. Phillc

    Running rough - coilpack?

    Just had the car re-mapped and now the car is running rough, my first (and only) thought is that a coil pack has gone but the car is also smelling like a sort of eggy smell, is this still consistent with a coil pack failure? i know that after a remap these are prone to failing but i was not...
  15. s1l3nc3r

    Coilpack wont stay put...

    Right since ive had my remap done one of my coilpacks wont stay put it keeps poping up a bit... It still runs on four cylinders and i get no eml's but it doesnt boost as high dv is a lot more quiet and so is the exhaust so i can tell when it happends... obviously not the best thing for the...
  16. danieltm

    coilpack check

    Hi all. Just a quick one, How do i check if i have a coilpack on the way out? Cheers guys ;)
  17. pete147

    dreaded coilpack fail

    On my way into work this morning my lcr developed a really bad missfire, ive done a search on here and it sounds like its a coil pack, my car sounds like its running on 3 cylinders almost like a impreza and the exhaust fumes stink of petrol. my question is, are the coil packs from a lcr the same...
  18. Danny_B

    EML Flashing & engine spluttering - Coilpack?

    Evening all, I think one of my coilpacks has gone down. The EML flashes intermitantly and the car is mis firing. Will it be ok to nurse the car 15 miles to work in the morning? Will it cause any damage? Atleast that way i can get it hooked up to the diagnostics and find out which...
  19. Coilpack death.

    The coil pack of cylinder one went today. AA man had be back up and running within about 15 minutes of it going. Which was nice. Then asked for £40 for the coilpack. Which wasn't so nice. Poooo
  20. cus

    spare coilpack in middlesbrough area needed

    probably the wrong forum,but i need a coilpack asap and i'm from the middlesbrough area. will take SEAT 2 daysto get it into stock :( thanks, marcus
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