
  1. spezwend

    Formentor front suspension (DCC) noise or clunks over speed bumps identified

    I have very annoing clunking noise in my Formentor from day one. Dealer said this is normal working suspension noises, but I finally identified it. It is 100% coming form shock absorbers. It is very easy to identify, just disconnect the DCC plug from the shock absorbers. The car is now...
  2. CupraBorn58kw

    Clunk Noise From Suspension

    Just wondering if anyone else is hearing a loud clunk from their front suspension when going over ramps or hitting a pothole? It only seems to be on the passenger side and was windering is there anyone out there having the same issue?
  3. "Clunk" noise

    Leon MK2 2.0 TDi Stylance 56/2007 I get a strange clunk noise quite often when say I'm reversing. The noise sounds like when you drive over a grid, and it "clunks" It happens mainly when I'm reversing, so I'll put the gear in reverse, reverse, brake, and then about 1 seconds after I...
  4. Minor Clunk

    Here's a one for the experts ! Noticed a Minor Clunking Noise coming from front whilst going over bumps the other day. Since then have done some testing on uneven roads - and get multiple rapid clunking where roads have many abnormalities, No clunking on smooth roads, also tested out of gear...
  5. Strange 'clunk' when changing gear?

    Hi people, I've got a 54 LCR on 30k.. just had it remapped along with DV, TIP, shortshifter and INA dogbone/transmission/engine mounts. Anyway, very impressed with power etc but i have noticed something which is starting to annoy me a little... When accelerating farily hard and changing...
  6. weird clunk

    hey i have a 2004 ibiza 130tdi sport and recently theres a weird clunk coming from the front, it happens if you brake quite hard or go over a large bump at above 30mph. when u brake hard it only clunks once though because if you come off the brakes and brake again it doesnt do it. jacked the car...
  7. nightflight

    Wheelspin Clunk

    I don't deliberately try and spin my wheels, but occasionally it does get given a bit too much juice on take off, or like today, when i had to change down gears on a wet hill becase some numpty decided to almost come to a stop. but it often makes this god-aweful thud feel. does anyone elses...
  8. teepee4bh

    FR TDi - drive shaft - CLUNK

    Does anyone know how the drive shaft ends are held on? I think my clunk is free play in the drive shaft. The noise always happens at slow speeds and when turning and when there is a certain amount of roll in the car body which is when the drive shaft tries to extend itself due to the car...
  9. Clunk when Engaging Clutch

    Hi Guys Whilst driving When I change gear I get a clunking noise when it engages. Have depressed / released the clutch with engine off and no noise. Have depressed / released the clutch with engine running but stationery and it also clunks. Also: The clucth operates fine, but I...
  10. teepee4bh

    Random 'clunk' FR TDi

    GF's FR has a random clunk from front when doing slow speed manoeuvres. Seems to be front passenger side. Usually when turning into a road or onto drive. I've just replaced the drop link but still doing it. Any ideas folks? Cheers
  11. Clunk when setting off/slowing down

    Hi guys, before I get this down the garage and it starts costing money, does anyone have any idea what might be causing a clunking kinda noise when setting off or slowing down. Usually it happens at pretty slow speed but has happened when I've just been driving along kinda thing and sounds like...
  12. robdf2

    Clunk from engine on Cupra now with soundclip

    Hi guys , on the weekend i noticed a significant loss in performance with my car , no surprises there given the history [:@] but its accompanied with a clunk , basically if i do a spirited burst you hear a clonk coming as the revs die , its not a suspension or something loose clunk its to do...
  13. metallic clunk whenever im turning at very slow speeds

    Its the best £3600 ive ever spent!!! Hey guys, new to this forum. Just purchased an 02 cupra with the face lift!! I have a few little issues such as i get a very metallic clunk whenever im turning at very slow speeds i.e when parking, from the front right wheel.doesnt do it at normal speeds...
  14. new Cupra, clunk from under car when pulling off

    started when i got it back from my dealer last time, its getting gradually worse now... when im pulling off in 1st / 2nd or even putting my foot down hard in third i get a clunk from what sounds like right underneath me, its quite bad ! i've been dealer and agreed to see if it gets worse...
  15. Deev

    Wiper clunk

    My wipers have just started clunking nearly every time they park (ie when you turn them completely off and they tuck themselves away) - they seem to make a very audible clunk as if they're belting off the inner lip. Doesn't happen every time but certainly almost every time. Only started...
  16. Clunk noise when braking

    I have a LC 2002 MK1. when i'm driving and when car is going down hill or up and I brake it makes very loud crunk noise. It's normal when i'm drining on the leveled road bit only happends when its tillted up or down hill. It's a very strange nosie and woundering if any 1 had this problem or...