
  1. charging cable: connected and unlocked

    I have a 2021 Seat Leon PHEV. The car doesn't lock the charger when plug in and therefore not charging. The white light is on by the car charging port before plugging it in and once plugged in the light just goes off (no colours) and doesn't lock in place. The car knows the cable is plugged in...
  2. Anyone got a wiring diagram for the charging system (alternator) on a 2006 2.0 TFSI?…

    Basically, had a noisy AC pump and decided to replace it. Put it all back together, and now the battery light is on the dash constant. Without having a multimeter to test anything (lost my old one), just yolo’d it and bought a new alternator. Fitted the new one, and the problem hasn’t gone...
  3. Stuck with low charging rate.

    Hi All. I have had my 77 kWh Born since last December, generally happy with the car but frustrated with my inability to get any sensible answers from Cupra, on any questions. 😞 I normally charge the car at home using an Ohme wall charger. I usually just charge to 70 or 80%, and have it set...
  4. spezwend

    12V battery charging is forbidden for the user/owner

    Did you know, that user manual forbids car owner to charge vehicle 12V battery? This was new to me and what direction we are going. When my car battery voltage low or battery is flat I need to tow the car to dealer and use tow trucks for that... what? Page 336 in owners manual: This "special"...
  5. Mrf98

    Leon PHEV - Scheduled Charging Issue

    Hi All, I’ve just moved onto an Octopus EV charging tariff (Go Faster 02:30 - 06:30) to take advantage of cheap rates for charging overnight to fit my schedule. I have a Wallbox Pulsar Plus charger and I’ve set up a schedule on the Wallbox app for the cheap charging window overnight, however...
  6. Seat Mii Electric: Charging box ("Mii electric wall plug charger") somehow does not work

    Hello Seat Friends, My charging box (see picture) with which I connect the normal household socket and the car somehow does not work. So I do not know if I'm too stupid for it or there are another problem that I don't realize. I'll explain how I do it, and you tell me if it's correct or...
  7. Pabs

    Non mp3 Alana Headunit iPhone 3GS connectivity & charging

    Hey all, I've had a change of heart recently, and so can't vouch for spending big £££ on my car audio system. Now, all I'm looking for, is the ability to PLAY songs from my iPhone 3gs AND CHARGE it at the same time. It also needs to have some form of iPhone Dock, so I can dash-mount it and...
  8. Iphone 3g echo and Ipod not charging

    Hoping for some help for a newbie. Have been searching for a solution to the poor sound quality I (and 1000s of other iphone 3g bluetooth users) experience with my Seat FR in built car kit - most calls I make I can hear the caller fine, but they cannot hear me. It's either very poor sound...
  9. alternator charging issue

    Has anyone experienced this before? when i start the car and leave it idling the alternator does not seem to charge at full capacity, it is not until I rev the engine to 2.5k that it gets going properly. I only noticed this as I have a rather power hungry install, and at idle, it can drain the...
  10. Charging A Battery With The Alternator

    Just a quick question... I've just jump started my car as the battery was almost completly dead. If i leave the car running at idle will the alternator charge the battery to it's full power or do i have to drive the car or raise and hold the revs up? Also, if leave it at idle, how long do you...
  11. RichieRich

    alternator not charging the battery enough!!!

    does any1 know if u can upgrade the alternator on the 1.4 16v Se? my headlights keep dimming!!! (even with a power cap) uprated battery soon to i guess lol thanks guys
  12. S3 AKR

    How much is your dealer charging for oil ?

    Just had the first 20k mile service today and noticed that the dealers RRP for PD oil is £29.65 but that the actual cost to me was £46.00! :-o How much do you lot get charged for 5 litres ?
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