
  1. Cental Locking Ibiza 1.4s

    I have tried to use my key for central locking and it doesnt work think it could be the battery. Tried opening the door using the key and holding it for 2 seconds, this doesnt open any other doors. If i do this on the passanger side it opens the door and all other doors including boot. If i...
  2. CIarkie

    Cental locking button order?

    Can any one just explain what each 'click' of the cental locking fob does. obviously the first locks the doors..... but the second?
  3. Mattman

    Cental locking question

    on my 53 plate LCR i have to press the unlock button twice to unlock all the doors and was wondering if anyone new the adaption ( sp? ) code to change this ?? thanks in advance matt
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