
  1. mc funbot

    Engine bay N249 Bypass - A complete guide

    hey guys and gals after having a slight debate over the way to do an n249 bypass this is how i would do it,i like to know your views on it.i see alot of people only doing half a job.a random guy with a 1.8t leon agreed to let me do had a cat back exhaust an a air filter.this took me 25...
  2. Cupra Ross

    Ross's Diamond Black Bora 1.8T Sport.

    After selling my 5th Leon 1.8T last year, I was getting the hankering for another 1.8T. This came up on UK MKiVs and I swapped my Golf TDi for it. I've put a lot of work into it so far. The car was absolutely filthy inside and out when I got it but I thought there was the makings of a good...
  3. mat_106

    lost boost after metling and braking a n112 !!

    right as you may have read my other threads im still stuck and getting really annoyed with it now. other day i was driving about giving it some and after that i had hardly any boost, looked under the bonnet and the n112 thingy bob had the connection melted of it from were i had done my n249...
  4. egr bypass on 160 diesel cupra

    i have bypassed the egr valve with a setup similar to the allard ones you can buy, now its fitted its made a hell of a difference its just the the engine management light is on now and i diont know how to get round it. i fitted the same thing on a 130 brake and cant remeber if i blanked both or...
  5. cupra-gaz

    done n249 bypass now judder, flutter?

    evening all, ok so i done the n249 bypass at the weekend following some threads and pics i found and im pretty sure its done right. though now when driving i get a slight judder after changing gear and earlier when goin up a hill in a low gear and changing the dv fluttered like my hks ssqv used...
  6. aterro

    N249 bypass problem

    i used trucidos guide on vag owners i started it up ran fine. no eml light then after the 5 time started up and it came on? its running fine but the light is on. there was 2 valves which one i unplugged and left it unplugged. what am i suppose to do with this one? this is the only...
  7. JB!

    N249 Bypass, Long-term issues?

    lol, just done the N249 bypass, and i text my mechanic to say i'd solved the boost issues by doing it, and he said i'd run lean and melt a piston??? anyone had theirs bypassed for long? what long-term issues has it caused? is he talking out his arse? *edited coz i got the wrong "n" number...
  8. cuprakris

    n249 bypass HELP!!

    hi all, im struggling to find a idiots guide on how to the n249 bypass on a leon cupra. if anyone could post any pictures or a detailed idiots guide it would be a great help thanks
  9. seanaldo1987

    N249 bypass?

    what exactly is required to do this and is it a hard job 2 do? and what benefits are to be had doing it? cheers
  10. n249 bypass

    is there anyone near dundee that has done the n249 bypass? i would try it my self but just incase i do summit wrong as im not as clued up on these engines as i am with rs turbos. would star performance do it?
  11. gazR

    N249 bypass

    hey been looking round here for instructions on the n249 bypass. from what me and "Mat" can work out, is this right? if so could i remove the pipe to where the red circle is, the green end should connect onto the 007 valve? ive also noticed a screw in to the t-piece is that ok? why...
  12. james walker

    strange 1, pics of n249 before bypass

    anyone got a picture of n249 before they bypassed it, i want to put mine back to oem, but that long since i did it ill need pic references for re removal?? cheers in advance
  13. andieleon

    Teeing Boost gauge from n249 bypass?

    Hi there peeps, just wondering if i can t off from the n249 bypass i have done to my lc and connect my boost gauge on to this system?? will it work...... cheers
  14. KingAnt

    N249 Bypass vac pipes causing juddering!?!

    Hi guys my 2001 ibiza cupra is running ruff, floor it and car judders and no power, i took it to a seat garage and they had a look and said all the vac pipes were muddld up so i left it with them, meanwhile i called the guy i brought it from to ask him and he said the vacume pipes are fine...
  15. magnex cat bypass

    hi, ive looked through the posts but i can find out so ill ask direct, ive found a magnex bypass kit for a cupra r but i cant find one for the cupra, so if i brought the one for the cupra r would it fit my 2004 1.8 20vt fr, any help would be appriecitated, thanks dan
  16. andyc58

    n249 bypass

    Hi this may sound very stupid but what is this and how do you do it.Sorry i no nothing about these sort of cars.Got to start somewere
  17. fuzzgeller

    should i bypass n249?!?

    hey lads just wan t to ask to see if i understand this right!! i have had problems with an air leak for near a year. everything has been changed(and i mean everything!!)i have upgraded the dv spring but was wondering if it could be opening at the wrong time then losing pressure?! sometimes when...
  18. JamJay

    Did I do the N249 Bypass right?

    Hi all, as above really. I connected the inlet manifold to N249 hose --> DV to N249 hose together with an inline hose connector, bypassing the N249 altogether and leaving the connectors on it, exposed and unused. Have I done this right? Do I leave the N249 connectors open to the atmosphere...
  19. cupradan

    Leon Cupra N249 bypass pic?

    Can anyone who has done the N249 bypass on an AUQ Cupra stick a pic up on here for me? I've been reading the various guides for bypassing it on Ibizas as its supposedly a similar layout but my engine doesnt look the same. Cheers
  20. fitting bypass resistors

    right people i bought resisitors couple off months ago did attempt them but could trust myself lol electrics. so i took them off and lost them in garage . so i went out and bought another 4 can anyone give me anytips on how to put them in ect. cut plugs off/ leave plugs on and push wires in. as...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)