
  1. 4 branch manifold

    no one seems to list a 4 branch manifold for my 98 cordoba sx, its a 2.0 8v, am i right in thinking its the same as the old golf gti 8v engine, if thats the case then a 4branch for one of thoes would fit but does anyone know if it comes out underneath in line with the cordoba exhaust...
  2. 4 branch manifold.

    Does any one know where to get hold of a 4 branch manifold for a gti cupra 16v? looked around but cant seem to find any. thx
  3. 4 branch for my ibiza

    could any one tell me if a manifold for a 16v mk3 golf fit my 97 16v ibiza i know its the same engine (abf) but don't know if it will line up with the rest of exhaust??
  4. Chrisdaman

    Stainless 4 branch manifold for 2.0 16v

    anybody know where to get these from? Chris
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