
  1. Sorry, bit boring but need advice re key

    Okay so the silver keyring bar thing at the top of the key, has come away from the fob at one side, so no keyring can be attached to the fob, which is a bit of a pain!! Perhaps silly question, but as my car is still under Seat warranty, would the keyfob be covered?? Im thinking probably no...
  2. LCR, "boing" sound when turning left.

    Hi! Had my brembo gt's fitted yesterday, but the same evening, i have "boing/doing" sound from the right wheel, when turning left. It can appear when turning "fast", but really not turning at all... the quick movement itself. And when turning gradually... to clear it out, it's not the tires...
  3. 84RNEY

    springs help BOING!!

    can someone tell me roughly how long it'd take to change suspension and whats involved? a guy from work has just got an ibiza but wants standard suspension put back on (got lowering springs not coilovers). he thought he'd ask me but i have no idea!! so i thought of you folks. any help?
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)