
  1. boiling water

    hello people. This is a plea for help!!! got a 1999 Cordoba which has just gone thru MOT, with the help of a little radweld. Think the mechy man has cocked up, cos now the rad header tank is bubbling away like a kettle. rad fans don't seem to be running either. any ideas?
  2. water boiling over

    Any1 had this problem think its because of the heat. Eariler after parking my car heard a hissing under the hood, opened the cover and the water was boiling and i hadn`t been booting my car at all. Check the water levels they seem ok now but i put my foot down earlier and it lost power any 1...
  3. 96 cordoba boiling up

    HI all my first ever post here and its a question about my wifes 96 1.4 cordy.:help: It overheated about 2 weeks ago and on pulling off the hoses they were full of gunk, i cleaned out all the hoses,replaced the rad,thermostat and water bottle and now the water just doesn't seem to be...
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