
  1. AlexGSi2000

    Another Cupra R bites the dust

    Did this belong to anyone on here? Think this was on pistonheads about 3 months ago for £6.5k It was an absolute minter aswell...
  2. Another jacking point cover bites the dust...

    I paid for the last one and now I want this one sprayed and fitted under warantee!!! How likely is this to happen
  3. And another LCR splitter bites the dust!

    You have to credit who ever thought lets put a low bumper on a car and then add a spliiter so it nearly touches the floor!!!! I cant even use the multi storey at work! Any way a bit of wood on M25 = No LCR splitter! Thank god there only £16!
  4. Another Cordy Bites The Dust!

    Incase you haven't all heard, my Cordy was kindly written off on Wednesday afternoon by an uninsured driver...... Talk about peed off !!!! See "Shite You Write" for the details !!!!
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