
  1. lynchy

    engine bay pics

    hey just after some inspiration really for my cupra 180. just curious what other people have done. thanks
  2. Graham89

    Cleaning Engine Bay

    What do you guys use to clean up the bay. At the moment mine is standard but very dusty. Want to get the thing looking like new! Well near as possible anyway..
  3. whistleing from engine bay

    hi i have a loud whistleing noise comeing from the engine bay when the car is idleing which disappears when i rev the car then comes back after about 10mins of idleing. its a 130tdi sport on a 2004 53. any help would be appreciated.
  4. Dropped 10mm bit in engine bay

    I've been attempting to fix the rear washer problem in my wifes mk4 ibiza, where water is coming from the ns front underneath. Whilst trying to remove the air fllter box, the 10mm bit I was using fell off into the recess between the battery and washer bottle and has now gone underneath:censored...
  5. SeatDanny

    Dressing up engine bay

    Well had the car for 2months and ive got the cleaning bug something wicked, washed, waxed, clayed, wheel detailing, rubber and plastics treatment, u name it. Now turning my attention to the engine bay, i am curious as to how i should go about cleaning it? I must say im not overly keen on just...
  6. cupra_poolie

    Getting through to the engine bay from inside

    Basically ive got my gauges to wire in. I cant seem to get into the headlight nuit next to steering wheel and dont fancy damaging it getting it out. I need to wire the lightingup for them plus the vacuum hose etc for the gauge. Can anyone tell me where to get through the firewall in the car...
  7. Wiring diagram for engine bay on leon Cupra TDI anyone?

    Had a couple of other posts but seem to be having some elctrical problems causing limp mode. N75, fuel pump relay and colling fan 1 all suffer open / short to ground. Noticed 40a fuse above battery box had blown which I have replaced - renewed main battery ground connection, N75 itself and a...
  8. gazcuprablk

    engine bay tidy

    as my car is off the road for a bit now and my engine bay is looking rather messy with wires going everywhere im going to have a look at tidying it up and moving a few wires out of sight, i know a few have done this to theyre cars and looks good in my opinion but where exactly do you run the...
  9. Picture of a standard engine bay.

    Guys, Can someone please provide me a picture of a standard engine bay! Having looked at my engine I think I'm missing something and just need to have a look. Basically, below the battery on the right hand side there is a gap and just curious whether I should have something there! I...
  10. SeatDanny

    custom engine bay

    Just been lookin at the thread for best two photos of your leon and noticed a fella robdf2 does some serious work on his engine bay. Just curious as to whether anyone dresses up their engine bays and if so to post a few fotos, its the one area people won't get much chance to see any other...
  11. Engine Bay Detail

    I hope you like the before/after photos ;) Engine Before Engine After Engine Before Engine After Manifold Before Manifold After I painted the Logo
  12. 4-candles

    Plastic Bag in Engine Bay ?

    Checking under Bonnet and next to coolent bottle, on the inside of the wing is a metal 'pocket'. Inside that is a Plastic Bag with what looks like a Foam block inside. Gave it a bit of a tug, but seems well wedged in. Any body else got one ? Anybody know what its for ? (Techies chance to...
  13. edmong

    Whining noise from Engine bay?!!!

    Hi Guy's, I have tried searching but could not find anything like this. Once the engine has warmed up and I have driven a fare distance and reach my destination, the ignition is switched off and then this horrible whining noise comes from the engine bay, almost like a pump running. Like I...
  14. Engine Bay item HELP

    I am looking to find out what an item is in the engine bay of my Leon Cupra R 54 plate, its in front of the expansion bottle and is black and has some pipes ect that go into the top of it. What is it? Does your one click like made when the engine is running?
  15. Mashburn

    Mashburns Flash Red LCR *Now ready for stage 2!*

    Hi all. The car is an 03 plate LCR 210 with 92000 miles on it. I bought it almost 3 weeks ago and it was a bit untidy....covered in stone chips, splitter missing, wheels kerbed and paint peeling off. It was also in need of a good clean inside and out. I absolutely love the car and the way it...
  16. Pabs

    Help in identifying this part - front of engine bay

    What is this part? It's supposed to be attached to the plastic cowling on the front edge of the engine bay, however, I found mine hanging - doesn't look like it's attached properly. Has several (3?) hoses attached at 1 end, electrical connector at the other. Interestingly, I found an...
  17. MMA FR150

    engine bay noise

    hello there quick one for the techheads out there i was driving earlier and heard a loudish humming sound coming from the engine bay is it anything to worry about or is it power steering pump aircon pump? I opened her up ,then 5-10 minutes after heard the hummingplease help cupra r 225
  18. jonnyblease

    Engine bay and interior cleaning

    I have just bought a mk3 Ibiza Cupra and although im pretty clued up on paintwork detailling however... I have never had a forced induction car and I usually snow foam the engine bay while it is running on my old cars and then use a brush to irritate dirt and then rinse. Is this any...
  19. A.m.C_Ibiza1

    Post Up Engine Bay Pics ;)

    Just trying to decide on what i want mine too look like so would love to see some fine TDI's bays all shiny!!
  20. LC - Engine Bay - Parts Identification

    Here is my engine bay from my Cupra 180 AUQ. It's all stock except for the 007P and green cotton air filter which previous owner put in. I would really appreciate it if one or some of you could put me out of my misery and help me identify the parts, hoses/pipes and which can be replaced with...
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