
  1. Front Areo wiper conversion part numbers

    i'm well impressed with this site! i now have all the knowledge i need to convert my standard rear wiper on my LCR, but i cant stop there and do a half ass job!! does anybody know the best conversion for front wipers? part numbers and prices would be golden!!!!!
  2. aero kit splitter options...

    I've seen the cup-spoiler thing which is the only one i know of, but its expensive i dont want an old shape cupra R splitter rubber thing .. so what others are there??
  3. Areo kit audi r8 lights pic ... opinions

    just thought i would show you lot this i found... (not that i actually want to do it !)
  4. bobphatboyphat

    Cupra with Areo Front Bumper

    Just been looking on Autotrader at Cupras and saw this for sale. what do people think.
  5. woodyTDI

    Areo Kit

    Anyone know how much the areo kit is? also if any dealers do a pay monthly option?
  6. Ibiza rear areo wiper

    while looking for a polo one as i heard it's the mod to do! i came across this;jsessionid=1544ce6a5e4d937/shopdata/index.shopscript type "ibiza areo" on quick search result!! and 12 quid :D
  7. g60jet

    Valeo Areo Wipers (LHD ones)

    Hi Guys Well I may be opening a can of worms here, but at christmas i was in spain and popped into the local auto centre, and whilst pottering around I came across the wiper blades. It wasnt long before i spotted the aero ones, in single packs and different lengths. Well I´m back in...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)