LCR Fault codes


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
Hello all :)

I've had an intermittent problem with my LCR, whereby it would go into some form of safe mode at random points. At least, I assume it's a safe mode. The symptoms are the same as having very little boost from the turbo, performance disappears, there is no turbo whine or noise at all and the engine feels like a N/A engine!

So, I have run a VAG-COM scan and it has come back with two fault codes. These are 17705 and 18010.

In the VAG-COM software, 17705 comes up as:

17705 - Pressure Drop between Turbo and Throttle Valve (check D.V.!)

and looking at the list of codes at the top of this forum section, it says:

17705 P1297 Connection turbocharger - throttle valve pressure hose

18010 in the list of codes says:

18010 P1602 Power Supply (B+) Terminal 30 Low Voltage

Can somebody please shed some light on these for me? What may be the cause of these codes and what do I need to do to fix them?

Any help really would be appreciated :)




Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
I've just thought, I should add some more detail about my car to answer questions in advance....

The car is an 03 plate LCR, 210bhp version
It is no remapped, it is totally standard. No remap, standard DV, not even a new air filter.
The problem has occured three or four times in the few weeks I've owned the car, not once was this when it was very cold (thinking about the cold morning syndrome here). The temps have always been 'not too chilly' - i.e. not that cold, not that warm either :)
I have looked for any obvious signs of loose connections, broken pipes etc and found nothing.
There are no odd sounds, no hissing like a leaky connection, nothing.

As you can hopefully see, I have done some reading about this before posting. But I'm still lost :(

I am no mechanic, so am limited as to what I can do myself, so please bear this in mind :)


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
Feel like I should stop talking to myself.... :lol:

Can somebody please confirm that the 18010 code simply means the battery has been disconnected at some point?


Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003
yep, points to a battery disconnect, or a duff battery I guess.

Other one points to the DV being faulty, but I think it's one of those ones that might suggest something else (TB needs cleaning perhaps).

Reset them, do a vag-com throttle body alignment (aka TB, do a search) and perhaps a battery disconnect, check the connections on the DV & charge pipe see if they come back.

If the 17705 comes back, bung in a new/forge DV.


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
Nice one, cheers for your advice :)

Am I right in saying you need to purchase the full version of VAG-COM to reset codes? Or is there another way?

Will double check connections, as you say, as have a read about TB alignment. Plenty of homework to do ;)


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
Not had the chance to do the TB alignment yet.. however, the power loss problem occurred again today and I actually felt it happen.

I was going up a slight hill in third gear at about 30mph, driving pretty sedately due to the weather and the fact it was dark, with my speed slowly rising. I went to change into fourth and felt it hesitate and that was it, from then no no boost :(

Does that help shed some light on the problem? Anybody have any ideas?


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
Makes sense. Just wish I knew more about what goes on inside that engine, or even inside that dump valve, so understand why these things happen.


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
It happened again today, under the exact same circumstances too!

I was coming out of work, driving nice and smoothly knowing I wouldn't get up to much of a speed. Gently accelerate up to around 2.5-3k rpm and change up a gear. All going fine, until I changed from 3rd to 4th at around 40mph when I felt it struggle and that was that, no more boost when I later put my foot down and the car felt very sluggish.

What could be the cause of this? I still think DV and N75 are worth changing, but can somebody explain why this might happen?
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