
Coding and programming OBDeleven Tool for VCDS type of activity... working ones for the Ateca Part 1 of 2

This thread covers the use of the OBDeleven tool with worked, tested results on the Ateca 2016 - 2019 models. Check Obdeleven website for news on programming the new 2020 models following SFD implementation by the VAG group. .

The OBDeleven dongle works via Bluetooth with an Android device 4.0 and above and iOS to adjust / read the car's system via OBD connection. You need the Pro version to get maximum control so you can do "long coding". The tool also uses micro payments if and only if you use the apps that are offered up with it. All results can be produced via long coding and the menu-ing system. Some of the micropayment apps in any case don't currently work and don't cover all aspects - just common uses. There is a reasonable amount of confusion about the micro payment system for the apps (credits) but you really don't need to use that part of the tool. The system uses wifi / 4g to connect back to the companies servers. You need this connection out at the car.

Some iOS people treat themselves to cheap eBay tablets with wifi and Bluetooth that meet the spec to use it, alternatively from April 2020 new dongles (NextGen) were launched and the Pro license is available on them for both Android and iOS. eg. works on both Android and iOS now.

The advantage over VCDS is that it's cheaper and is far more portable for checking things when travelling if the need arises.

Manufactures website:

The app can be downloaded from the Android Playstore:

and iOS:

The Ateca support via their link:

German and Spanish boards for the Ateca also provide worked examples of mods.

Some Youtube videos about, US site

Ozzie Site

Useful tutorial:

Plus a host of unboxing videos on Youtube. This one covers the new dongle but lingers on the apps:


Plugging the device in and closing down

The OBD port in the Ateca car is straight down from the light switch on either left or right hand drive cars. The original dongle fits in with the logo facing towards you. First time you have to bend down to find the slot after that you can fit by touch and pull out by hand pretty easy from the driving seat. Don't need the ring pull one.

One thing to note is the device should be removed after use since it has been reported on other cars that the battery starts to run down as the device keeps the cars components live which runs the car's battery down. Good idea to right swipe the app (least in Android), switch the engine off, pull device out, turn back on then power down again. This leads to all the cars systems being shut down correctly.

The first thing to do when you get it and set it up is to run a scan for error codes and then look to making modifications after you have done a back up. If you are worried about warranty then don't read any further although it's reported that dealers aren't too bothered about it's use. Obviously great care must be taken to what is changed with a record of how to get back. The app also keeps a record of the changes by date. Backups you email to yourself but the concept of restore isn't like a computer for manual. Sister Leon board here covers it for the Leon but presentation varies to model and of course systems in the car.

Registering the Device

Too register for the Pro version you feed the activation code included into the app, this then gives you the Pro functionality. Basically you register, go into settings, toggled Pro on, put the activation key in. Then went to the screen to Purchase credits, did use code, so now showing 211 credits. These two bits of info are on that piece of paper in the plastic wallet with the device least with the original Android only dongle. You get free credits when you buy it if you intend to use the micro apps if not your credits build up since each time you go into the it gives you a credit. Credits go up each day in the app.

All of this you can do without plugging in the unit. Long coding and the Adaptation menus can be used for "free" which give you all the functionality that only the Pro version gives you.

Once you get the dongle plugged in and get to Blutooth setup the software offers you the one of two codes but then the dongle is protected from other users meddling by the use of a stored password which you specify. NOTE THIS DOWN.

There is a PDF to getting started

1234 is one of the the Bluetooth codes.

Lastly if you went to town and brought lots of cars into the "Garage" whilst playing with the app, you left swipe them and confirm to delete. The dongle and app can be used with a number of cars they go into the "garage".

Example results of a scan for errors:





Modules marked with a red spot are deemed as those identified with a fault. Clicking on these and tapping fault report give the following error reports:




These were real errors except for the Kessy bus one all of the other errors the car was delivered with.

Any error reports can be deleted by clicking the red dustbin if it is deemed that the error is fixed. The frequency of the error detected is also shown. A Google link also allows the VW error code to be looked up.


Mirror Dip in Reverse

This modification is a useful training modification to get up to speed on the use of the app. There is a certain amount of debate about the implementation of dipping the mirrors in VW cars, a facility that has been withdrawn more recently. Obviously top view may give you a better view of what is around if well lit. It can't be expected that the mirror servo to dip the mirror will maintain the same adjustment over say twenty drops and returns which some people expect. Some level of correction is required over a period and perhaps to only use when you need it keeping the rotatory switch to heated or the neutral 0 position. (It transpired that the Ateca doesn't have the specified motor for mirror dip so the alignment shifts out after a period of use)

The mirror drop is gained by turning the mirror knob as follows and selecting reverse:
  • L for a RHD
  • R for LHD

The coding required varies slightly as to whether you have an electric driving seat or not.

The published mod in VCDS form is a typical example of where you have to take the text and implement it in the OBDEleven - better if somebody has already worked through with examples.


Passenger mirror dip…mirror switch has to be on the passenger setting for it to work.
52 Passenger door
07 coding
Byte 4
Enable bit 2 and 3.
DO NOT enable bit 1 unless you have Memory Seats. Enabling this will cause the mod not to work if you do not have Memory Seat or a Memory module.
No need to enable bit 7.
09 Central Electronics
17-Access control 2 Spiegelabsenkung bei Rueckwaertsfahrt (change to “active”)
(22) Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Spiegelabsenkung (change to “active”) this puts
the option in the menu screen.

This mod brakes into two parts, "long coding"
52 Passenger door
07 coding
Byte 4
Enable bit 2 and 3.
DO NOT enable bit 1 unless you have Memory Seats. Enabling this will cause the mod not to work if you do not have Memory Seat or a Memory module.
No need to enable bit 7.

& Adaptations

09 Central Electronics
17-Access control 2 Spiegelabsenkung bei Rueckwaertsfahrt (change to “active”)
(22) Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Spiegelabsenkung (change to “active”) this puts
the option in the menu screen.

The implementation in the Ateca via OBDEleven:

Select door electronics, module 52 as screen.

Coding. Get the bit codes into byte 04. To get "long coding" entry method hit top right slider 0-1 to 1 for coding input screen. Byte 04, toggle on bits 2 & 3. Save, check mark. Green tick. Note that for memory seats enable bit 1 if you don't have memory seats don't enable it.


Long Coding and Click 0-1 for byte entry


Move around the bytes and select the appropriate ones as noted. Add the memory seat bit if you have then then tick and save.

Byte 4
Enable bit 2 and 3.
DO NOT enable bit 1 unless you have Memory Seats. Enabling this will cause the mod not to work if you do not have Memory Seat or a Memory module.
No need to enable bit 7.


Put the bit changes in on the screen above and save. 31347 is the security code. The door electronic passenger side is now setup.

Now make changes to the control unit 09, note the security code is 31347 which is required to make changes to the adaptations of this control unit.

Central Electronic Control Unit

Enter Security code (31347) then Adaptations

Search "Spiegelverstellung" (credit to Zebster)


Now need to activate "Spiegelabsenkung bei Rueckwaertsfahrt"

Select and tick to save


This will now activate a mirror dip menu option in the car's settings. Check mark "Lower while reversing", click that to on:


The passenger door mirror will drop when reverse is selected if appropriate L (for RHD) or R for LHD when reverse gear is selected. Will return when central locking etc engages when moving or 0 selected. The mirror doesn't drop alot thou... the mirrors dropped position can be adjusted.


Automatic folding of Wing Mirrors & Lock with One Short Press Remote or Kessy Door Action

Ateca's prior to the 2019 model came with a two action process to lock the car and close the wing mirrors:

  • Lock - click remote lock or touch Kessy door handle outer sensor
  • Retain action for two seconds to close the wing mirrors in

The 2019 model or thereabouts has a menu toggle where automatic closing on one touch can be turned on. This mod is for cars prior to this which enables the menu. Basically Seat relented and offered one touch across cars with Kessy in the group. This mod just enables the menu which is on all recent Atecas with Kessy now.

Once the novelty of the two action has warn off (if you have one of these earlier Atecas) you can program the locking so the car is locked and the mirrors always turn in on the first click or touch on the handle. This is useful when carrying bags, balancing between parked cars etc just to touch and forget. You know the car is locked when the mirror fold in and no more faffing about. If you know you are going in and out of the car then you can just turn the mirrors to close using the twiddly knob. Useful for washing as well :).

Credit this one to the Spanish Ateca forum


A. Module 09, select Adaptations


Select Adaptations

B. Select Spiegelverstellung

Tap Spiegelverstellung

C. Select Funk Spiegelanklappung Modus & change to "by look command via remote control key", check and provide security code 31347


Change & OK:

After, Click green:

Enter security code for the module:

This has now removed the long press to close the mirrors on the remote or door Kessy part to single touch. Mirrors can be folded in on the twiddly knob also.

An additional setup menu "Fold in when parked" is provided which turns on and off auto close on the single touch. Twiddly knob still works.

Additional Menu to Turn On & Off Auto Mirror Close:


Turning off the Stop / Start Feature

It's often said that people buy VCDS programming tools to turn off the stop start feature, particularly for the DSG VW implementation with the engine cutting out after coming to rest if you don't lift your foot off the brake within two seconds. Whilst stop start can be turned off manually each time after starting the engine, forgetting to do this and arriving at the first busy junction or roundabout after the car engine warms up can lead to dangerous situations as split second timing is required to pull out as the radio or music dims the sound of the engine running. For this reason people researched methods to defeat the stop start mechanism so as to permanently turning it off till you change the mod again. Better implementation of stop start by VW giving the driver more time to release the brake pedal (beyond the two seconds on the DSG) so as to prevent stop start from kicking in would avoid the need for the mod on safety grounds. VW would defend this by saying you have the switch to turn the feature off - yes if you remember and therein lays the ability of an accident by definition.

The voltage method can be used with the Ateca. This is based on the stop start unit will not stop the engine if the battery voltage is not above a pre defined level. The default voltage for the Ateca is 7.6 volts (least in the TDI), changing this to 12 volts stops the stop start from kicking in. This is a Golf 7 mod which works with the Ateca.
Disable Start/Stop
Select Control unit 19
Start Stop Limit voltage

When the car is serviced the Ateca service manual covers the working of stop start, so it is suggested so as to not confuse service staff this value is reset to 7.6 volts before service :). The "Car" menu also reports that stop start is not functioning which is due to the controller being fooled that it can't stop the engine due to a heavy load being taken. That report can be ignored. There are no side effects, regeneration acts as normal for diesel cars. Confirmed on this thread (I've had no issues with it)


Go into control unit 19 (Gateway):

Tap Security Access enter 20103:

Within the Adaptations menu search for Stop / Start Voltage Limit and click on it:

Alter voltage to 12 volts, make a note of current voltage and save the change via the tick:

Mod is now made.


Panoramic Roof on Comfort Closing

The panoramic roof if fitted can be centrally closed from the door or remote control. This feature is supported by the VW software but is not enabled after an accident in the states. If you do not carry children or anybody else that is likely to fowl the closure of the roof by accident then it is safe to do but obviously is your choice. The advantage is that doors, windows and the sunroof are all closed together.

Credit this one to Nate.

Goto the Central Electrics module 9:

Pick Adaptations and search under Schiedebach:

Select Schiedebach:

Toggle SAD Komfort schliessen to active, means comfort closing:

Click tick to save, the security code is 31347 for this module.

If central opening is also required select the one below as well (note if the windows gets sent the accidental remote control signal to open all windows plus the the roof will open as well - trouser pocket squeezed key issue so probably best to leave that as not active).


Credit this one to Nate. Haven't tried it myself in case it does come down on my head by accidental triggering but if the sound does bother you or your neighbours thinking they have a supermarket delivery etc... note pets running under the back whilst standing at the rear with the Kessy key or carrying a lot of metal in the boot (something to do with altering the sensitivity of the foot sensor) can also trigger closure - beware if you turn the warning signal off.

Turn off the warning beep when tailgate is closing/opening using your foot.

See below the obd settings:

Control unit: 6D Deck Lid Control Unit
Name: Ausstattungen aktivieren
Tone sensor:
Old value: active
New value: not active

Security code 12345


Volume to be Replenished (MFD to maximum fill tank)

There are a set of standard VW dash long coding menu options to the dash that can be made. Essentially these menu options built into the software but not shown so the users can optionally enable them if they wish. One is oil temperature but this is already shown, a more useful one on pre-payment pumps is volume to replenish. This example is with the MFD display not VC,

Go into control unit 17, Dashboard:

Go into Long coding and select Volume to be Replenished, select Yes, OK

Click - you may have to stop the engine for the mod to take:

This enables an additional screen menu as shown below (refuel quantity):

At this point UK cars will show volume to fill up in gallons rather than litres:

This can be changed to litres:



Enabling fan (blower) speed display in AUTO mode

This one gives you visual feedback on what the air-conditioning unit is doing on fan speed so you can juggle with the controls / temperature settings if impatient with what it is doing. It is a standard VW mod. It's all "long coding" easy to do. (All self respecting VAG group drivers have this one when you look at Youtube videos ;))

The coding instructions are:

Controller 08 - HVAC

07 - Coding

Byte 11 Bit 6 - Blower Status Display in Auto-Mode active - enable


Select Coding

Tap Coding then "long coding" 0-1 toggle shown top rightish when coding screen is shown.

Move to byte 11. (Bottom using green 》)

Screen before change on byte 11:

Screen before change

Tap bit 6 to check mark and centre tick to save:

Save with the green tick.

Results fan speed is displayed on the outer ridge of the knob:
First release
Last update
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