Time 5 mins install (1 hour photos :) )
Level: Easy
Fan Jet Part No 5MO 955 985 C 9B9 non heated about £10 (See here eBay item number:221246183308 for an example of heated fans) or eBay item number:321197661391 for the ones I bought. You can pay more for SEAT branded ones from the same dealer but as you won't see the logo only you will know ;)
Pistol Spray No 5FO 955 986

Pic 1 Comparison of pistol and fan . The fan is slightly deeper than the pistol but this did not matter to the install or effectiveness


Pic 2 Fan from top


Pic 3 Underside of fan. All clips are identical. It is a direct replacement by pulling towards the engine from the screen side and then in a downward motion.


Pic 4 A 2mm Allen Key is used to adjust the position of the jets on the screen in a vertical direction only. There is no horizontal adjustment as that is determined by the spray slot.


Pic 5 Underside of the original. Note the 3 jets. Here the black clip which retains the washer fluid tube securely has been slid to the right. Do not attempt to remove it. The pipe then easily pulls off. Fitting is a reverse.


Pic 6 The results from various angles

Comparison of jet of fine droplets covering the screen so well they are almost invisible in this shot. The 3 jets are well defined


Jet seen bottom right


Spray from inside the car showing coverage


So there you all are. I'll report back after a weeks trial. First impressions are that less fluid is used but that it is better distributed and will reduce wiper/ screen wear.
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