10 years old


Mégane F1 R26..
Dec 1, 2009
At a Shell garage..
Well done and thank you to all the mods that have made this place what it is. I know people say its nothing without the users, but there wouldnt be any users if it wasn't for them.

Great site, hope it sees another 10 years and more!


Active Member
Sep 15, 2008
East Mids - Grantham
well doen to everyone involved and of course every member prviding each other with lots of great advice and tips in times of emergency as we all know seat's have there niggles!!!



Full Member
Jul 28, 2005
Wiltshire, UK
10 yrs and counting. ................................

Wow, a decade! congratulations guys. Zboyd and Mork [ and other supporting aministrators] dedication, sweat and working to the small wee hours +large black coffee's shows a devotion that should be applauded co's without it the site would be nothing


Active Member
Dec 13, 2007
Just want to say thank you to everyone involved with both setting up and running the site.Its been a great source of information for all of us that own SEATs.Congratulations on your 10 years and heres looking forward to the next 10 years.
Oh and its worth adding that I was talking about how VWs cars and especially Camper Vans have accumulated in value over the last few years and added I wonder what the next sought after vehicle will be and she immediately replied your driving it.Now given she has no interest whatsoever in cars etc I thought that what she said was pretty prescient and she is right of cause.
So the Leon FR we drive is going to be with us for many years to come.


Now every one sould have a slice of seat birthday cake lol !!
well done to all who made the site ! may it live on and help meny more!


Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Its weird to think that a forum setup by a group of like minded folks from the ashes of a defunct SEAT club could still be here 10 years later, but here it still is and it still continues to grow. We've had our fair share of ups and down, but the forum and what it stands for has always remained solidly focused.

I am immensely proud to be a part of this forum, not just because of the great friends I've made over the years, but because of its great community spirit, who's collective knowledge still continues to problem solve, inspire and help people get the most out of their pride and joy.

Yahoo/Smart groups was good back in the day and we had a huge amount of fun, but it lacked any real identity, much like some SEAT individual fan groups do today who base themselves just on Facebook for example. Its hard to stand out when you all look the same!

We realised that had to have its own identity early on, and be an independent place that SEAT fans could call their own. People often forget SEAT still have a small market share compared to the motoring giants that are VW, Ford, Vauxhall for example.

Having a somewhere to come that is identifiable for SEAT fans is important, even SEAT themselves have realised that fans need a place to identify with hence the emergence of Club SEAT in recent years.

That early group of friends and fans were the first at least in the UK to see it and make it work. So they are all in part founders of

m0rk expressed that I'm probably the pushy one behind the scenes keeping the team interested, but m0rk has been just as important to the success of the site and it wouldn't be here without his hard work. He has been involved just as long as I have and his ideas and actions have been invaluable.

There are many people that have worked hard over the years to make the forum a success, but a few amongst us deserve a little praise. :)

Lee (Shaggy) deserves a big pat on the back for having the vision in the first place, he may of sodded off long ago to concentrate on his next big interest of which there have been many ;) but he seeded the idea helped get it off the ground and the rest was history.

If we've been the architects of ideas on the forum then Martyn has been our #1 engineer, and without his skills SCN wouldn't even be online. He does an excellent job and I hate having to prod him to do things when he's busy, but we would be lost without him and we really appreciate it.

No less valued are the contributors, moderators etc who have and/or continue to help us run the site, I've named some of those below, but everyone who has ever helped the site, involved themselves and done something positive for the site you are always valued and appreciated.

Syphon, Fl@pper, Saul, AndyB, Ibizacupra, Revo Kev, WeeJase, mrcoyote, F2-Stu, andyj, DPJ, Brummy, Empi5, Ruddmeister, sssstew.

The forums sponsors have been brilliant, their financial support over the years have continued to keep it free for everyone to enjoy. We collectively thank them firstly for their belief in the site and then their valued support.

SEAT UK have been an instrumental force in the sites success, and their support over the past 10 years has been nothing short of brilliant. The insight they have given us and the access conveyed to us has been invaluable, we continue to express our appreciation for that on behalf of everyone at SCN.

We have reached a milestone of 10 years online, I don't have a crystal ball so I can't see what the future will bring but we hope continues to succeed while its still relevant and valued.

Finally everyone who comes to this forum and gets what its about and why its here, thank you, its because of people like you its here and its successful.


Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
Coming from the back ground I have to the site it's a testament to SCN and indeed SEAT that you have such a good relationship with each other. No such joy with Skoda and Briskoda, the brand shudder at the mention of us and have many people operating undercover on the site with dealer staff members being cautioned etc about what they post.

I have been here for sometime as I met m0rk at the first SEAT dealer I worked at back in the day of We also ran an Ibiza rally car for a short time, not much in the way of success but it was a good laugh.


Happy birthday SCN and long may you continue.


I want more bhp
Feb 8, 2008
Happy birthday Scn. Been a great and helpful site over the years.
A big thank you to the mods who have kept this going , using their spare time and effort.
Hope it continues to be this good of a site for many years of which brings friendship and laughs , and not forgetting help to it's members.


Zboyd's Pimp
I have to echo what Mark has said. 10 years ago I had no idea what a beast SCN would turn out to be.

Too many people to mention, Zboyd, Mark, Martyn, Flapper, Saul, Jas, Lee Chung, F2Stu, Andy (what was the name of the dude with the Yellow Ibiza with launch control?) so many people.

So many 3rd party companies who supported us right back at the start. Badger, Revo, and Amethyst SEAT to name but a few.

Even SEAT and both in the UK and in Europe gave us their support. I stopped actively being involved a long time ago, but I knew that Zboyd, Mark, Martyn and others would ensure the site continued.

They have done, and continue to do an amazing job and very few people will ever realise the hard work and heartache it takes to run a site of this size.

10 years - Wow!!!!
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