cupra rear bumper - part no.....?

Feb 28, 2008
Gonna be ordering my cupra rear bumper, but need a part number, anyone know if the valance come included or is that a seporate part, if so can u give me that part number aswell

cheers :D


Full Member
Aug 10, 2005
Sorry to hyjack, but does anyone know the part number for the Facelift FR rear bumper? Or is it the same one?

Alex 17

No Smoke No Poke
Aug 17, 2008
Bedale - North yorkshire
Iv just got mine from the dealers.. :( , Bumper,Reflectors and everything + Cupra handbreak cover, Seat spot gear knob, gloss black mirror covers, 280 all in Not too bad..
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Feb 28, 2008
Not sure , ill try find the invoice , Its well worth it tho changes tho whole look of the car as my mates said =] , Im jelouse of ur alloys :(

cheers mate, wat alloys u running on? out of interest how much did u pay for the light, (ween u find the invoice)

Alex 17

No Smoke No Poke
Aug 17, 2008
Bedale - North yorkshire
£280 I'm gonna be peeved when buyin one £11 fro the front one all painted and ready 3 times as much for the rear!!!

280 with all the gear knob/ handbreak coverrs/mirrors/ so on so on! , It was about 190 for the bumper , but then again i did lie.. and say i owned a owned a garage and they gave me a special price... trade i guess?

Its like 190 with reflectors etc..primed! :)
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Active Member
Ah not so bad then, I work down the road from TPS (VAG trade parts specialists if you not know of TPS) I mentioned I work at a Volvo truck and bus garage and they gave me discount not much thou! How much is it gonna cost to get it sprayed black you know yet?

Alex 17

No Smoke No Poke
Aug 17, 2008
Bedale - North yorkshire
Ah not so bad then, I work down the road from TPS (VAG trade parts specialists if you not know of TPS) I mentioned I work at a Volvo truck and bus garage and they gave me discount not much thou! How much is it gonna cost to get it sprayed black you know yet?

100 - 150 quid probley!
Feb 28, 2008
ordered all in with staff discount at around £170, apparently if u dont get discount the bumper alone without valance is about £220 or so
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