right folks, i fitted a boost gauge and voltmeter in a pillar pod the other day and wired it through the dash mounted light switch. D idnt think i had any probs until the other night when i tried to put my full beam on constant and they didnt work. They work fine when i pull the stalk back to flash them, but im guessing that its something to do with fiddling about with the headlight switch as it came loose on the back when i was plumbing the wires in. Anyone had a problem like this before or know if it just the stalk thats now dodgy. Hope ive explained this ok cos its headwork trying to write it (p.s if it turns out to be a fuse then il shoot myself lol). cheers all. On a happier note, fitted my new 19's on the car last night which cheered me up, but think il leave trying to be colin mcrae in the dark country lanes till i can see where im going again