Elsbett Veggy Oil conversion kits for PD engines


Professional Muppet
Feb 1, 2005
Telford, UK
elnino said:
More info in http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make.html

It seems that it can also work with used oil.
If true, you could just park it @ McDrive and say:
"One sunday and fill it up please" :D

The SHITE ar MaccyDoobies is 'orrible... ask Basstard.....

It's not 'oil' ... its "Shortening" which is solid white at room temp...

Yes... I did 5 years... yes I got all my stars :hide:


Is at the Nürburgring
Nov 5, 2002
It is a lot easier to just use new and unused veg oil than go through the processing of used oil.. and at 40-45p per litre, it's a huge saving - and you don't need the processing equipment etc.

cheshire cat

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Dec 28, 2002
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driveforward said:
It is a lot easier to just use new and unused veg oil than go through the processing of used oil.. and at 40-45p per litre, it's a huge saving - and you don't need the processing equipment etc.
but Mr Brown, that's Nron Brown still needs 25p/litre (think it's 25) :whistle:


Still hanging around
Oct 16, 2002
Neo_VR said:
But how many miles would you have to do on veggie oil to save the cost of the conversion? is it really worth it?
That depends on how honest you are at paying the duty.

At one extreme, if I didn't pay any duty, it would pay for itself in less than 6 months, saving me over £1000/year in fuel.
I wouldn't be so foolish as to publicise my conversion and then pay no duty at all though (seriously). How many miles I'd actually driven on veggy oil is only for me to know though :)


Sep 14, 2004
hmrc website says that as long as you dont use over 2500 litres a year then its ok, seems like they realised its hard to police people going to tesco to buy food!

obviously if you have a business it would be more tricky.. but they advise that you need to keep records of everything you have bought so if you use over 2500 then you need to declare it and pay them the tax....:p
Oct 17, 2006
how can the tax man see if you have used over 2500L??

how far can 2500L get you?

say 10% of 50L for ease, 5L every fill up, 550mile to 55L(45mpg), 550 * (2500/5) = 275,000 a year? 10% is covered by oil at a cost of 45p L, 27500 * 45p = 12,375.00 ? is that the total savings you could make in one year? (90p * 247500 = 222,750.00 cost of fuel)

Have I got it completly wrong here? or is that alot?

Or is that just non PD sry..
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Insurance co's are crap.
May 19, 2007
Near Richmond, North Yorks
Man, that's way complicated.

2500ltrs is roughly 500 gallons.

500 gallons at 50mpg is 25000 miles. That's roughly how far you can go.

Now for the mix equation. Take 80% diesel and 20% veg oil

Diesel is £1 a litre and veg oil is 50p a litre, so for every 5 ltrs (or a gallon) you save 50p (4 ltr diesel = £4 and 1 ltr veg oil = 50p). So for every gallon of diesel you usually buy in a year, you save 50p. Or thereabouts.

It's complicated insofar as we still talk in miles per gallon, yet buy in litres.

So, for every 5 litres you save 50p. Therefore 50 litres saves you £5. That's roughly £5 per fillup.
Oct 17, 2006
Yeah I think u explained it better!!

I did 10% cos ppl suggest not using it every fill up and less in winter....

but I might try some veg oil next fill up hehe or I might until I next do a service then start..


Sep 14, 2004
not forgettting if you goto makro or cash and carry of some kind then you can probably get it cheaper than 50p per litre. some people put in some injector cleaner, some say to use spirits.... apparently, heating oil is also quite good at running your car, but still needs to be thinned some, but less than veg...


Aug 27, 2007
Kerosene stinks when burned. Have heard of people using parafin in it to thin it out.

But, if you use 'extra virgin olive oil', Is this the equivelant of 'high octane petrol'? lol


Editing your spelling
Man, that's way complicated.

2500ltrs is roughly 500 gallons.

500 gallons at 50mpg is 25000 miles. That's roughly how far you can go.

Now for the mix equation. Take 80% diesel and 20% veg oil

Diesel is £1 a litre and veg oil is 50p a litre, so for every 5 ltrs (or a gallon) you save 50p (4 ltr diesel = £4 and 1 ltr veg oil = 50p). So for every gallon of diesel you usually buy in a year, you save 50p. Or thereabouts.

It's complicated insofar as we still talk in miles per gallon, yet buy in litres.

So, for every 5 litres you save 50p. Therefore 50 litres saves you £5. That's roughly £5 per fillup.

makes sense, thanks for the conversion Viking.

I run about a 80/20 mix, and even higher in our old golf, up to 50/50.

Havent noticed any side effects, apart from more money in my wallet of course.


Still hanging around
Oct 16, 2002
Just had another look at the Elsbett kits I originally posted about.
It seems that now they want you to send your ECU to them - so it would appear they alter some sort of mapping to run on SVO...

cheshire cat

Full Member
Dec 28, 2002
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not forgettting if you goto makro or cash and carry of some kind then you can probably get it cheaper than 50p per litre. some people put in some injector cleaner, some say to use spirits.... apparently, heating oil is also quite good at running your car, but still needs to be thinned some, but less than veg...
last I looked Makro was approx 63p/litre in bulk it's getting expensive, perhaps we should have a veg oil price watch section:ban: p.s. olive oil is as far as I know the only oil that is no good, no I'm not running a PD on this stuff just interested:)
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