Update MIB firmware?

Apr 28, 2024
Maybe if its helpfull to someone with an MOI3 system like mine:

Before the update the (by me enabled) wireless android auto Always crashed if I enterd an garage/building with specific wifi or other random signals. It would always crash on the exact same spot in the garage, its was not only that garage also others. But the one I enterd like on an weekly bases it always crashes right at the enterance.

After I updated to 0870 (MOI3_EU_SE_R8700L) (from MOI3_EU_SE_R7820L) that was gone. I could not believe it so I enterd the same garage like 3 times XD.
so far the system did'nt crash on me so far. Will update if I see a crash again. If I dont respond anymore the version 0870 is stable.
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