Hello guys
I have quite high fuel consumption compared to what i searched on the internet . I´ve changed the air filter (It was filthy) , sparkplugs , fuel filter ,oil and oil filter and i also checked the MAF sensors . All of this did help a bit because the car was neglected in the service department.
Right now the fuel consumption is around 8l/100km (normal driving mostly long distances) and when i searched in forums a lot of people have fuel consumption around 6 to 7 max l/100km .
When i´m going downhill and in gear the fuel consumption doesnt fall to 0 but is staying around 2-3l/100km.
Also i have a slight loss of power around 2700RPM but after that pulls good and cant understad why .

Some info about the car.
It´s a 2011 Seat Leon MK2 FR 1.4TSI 92kw CAXC with 160k (KM) on the clock. It had the timing chain done at 120k and clutch at 140k . Oil changes were long life but i suspect that when i bought the car it was´t changed for at least 40k because i had to flush the engine 2 times with ProTec engine flush. The car doesnt consume or burn oil , sounds healthy but rattles for a while on cold starts but from what i read thats normal .
I really need help with this because i´m running out of ideas :D
Thanks in advance for help.

Also some photos of the oil and MAF sensors


Active Member
Jun 17, 2011
I don't have much experience of this engine, but what i will say is that a lot of these people that post about their amazing fuel consumption, are either exaggerating, or they drive like muppets...... 58mph on the motorway, 2 meters from the back of an HGV is their usual MO.

If the car runs ok then I wouldn't worry too much.
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Active Member
Aug 10, 2019
Fuel consumption also depends on the driving speed. On a 1.8 tsi the computer reports 6.8L/100km when I'm keeping steady 80kmph during the trip (off the highway). However If I go 130/40kmph (highway) I use around 10L/100km. I think I'm around 8,4L when I'm keeping it at 100kmph.

On that topic I think I also have consumption problems with my car because it uses around 15l/100km in the daily slow traffic routes. Not sure how much a normal 1.8 TSI uses in cognested traffic driving mostly in second and third gear.

As far as rattling, it shoud be minimal, if you can noticably feel the engine shaking check the fuel injectors and evap valve.
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I don't have much experience of this engine, but what i will say is that a lot of these people that post about their amazing fuel consumption, are either exaggerating, or they drive like muppets...... 58mph on the motorway, 2 meters from the back of an HGV is their usual MO.

If the car runs ok then I wouldn't worry too much.
I have to agree that alot of people are exaggerating the MPG but i got to drive a 5F Leon and an Octavia 3 with the same engine and while i wasn´t able to reach under 6l/100km , i did get 6.5l/100km easily. My car runs good (except the slight loss of power around 2700RPM that im trying to fix ) so that´s why its such a mystery for me why the fuel consumtion is so poor XD .
Fuel consumption also depends on the driving speed. On a 1.8 tsi the computer reports 6.8L/100km when I'm keeping steady 80kmph during the trip (off the highway). However If I go 130/40kmph (highway) I use around 10L/100km. I think I'm around 8,4L when I'm keeping it at 100kmph.

On that topic I think I also have consumption problems with my car because it uses around 15l/100km in the daily slow traffic routes. Not sure how much a normal 1.8 TSI uses in cognested traffic driving mostly in second and third gear.

As far as rattling, it shoud be minimal, if you can noticably feel the engine shaking check the fuel injectors and evap valve.
When i go for long drives with mostly 90-100kmph driving my FC (fuel consumption) averages around high 7´s and low 8´s . As for city driving when cold i get up to 13l/100km but when warm i get around 9-10l/100km.

Your FC seems pretty high too exept for the one thats off highway driving .From what i heard the 1.8tsi are pretty thirsty engines but i dont have any personal experience with them although i would love to try one because of the power the provide.

With that Im going to check the injectors and the evap valve since sometimes i feel a slight vibration in the cabin. Thanks for the hint :D


Active Member
Aug 10, 2019
Speaking from distant memory, what I read here a while ago from people who had both, was, there was little to no difference between 1.4 and 1.8TSI's except for the pulling power in some scenarios. That said, I think you sit in the nice middle with that 1.4

The reason I mentioned injectors is because there can be various things that can cause vibrations. In my case, it turned out to be an injector. Also, I forgot to mention, check your coils. They can very easily be the culprit, but with them, you would be able to see the engine itself shaking when you open the hood.

In normal circumstances when you turn on the car, the engine would start at around 1200rpm, sit there for a min or so and then settle down on around 850rpms. During those 1200rpm's you would feel very slight vibration if you concentrate on the engine but it should be nothing that would draw your attention if you're not paying any.
Speaking from distant memory, what I read here a while ago from people who had both, was, there was little to no difference between 1.4 and 1.8TSI's except for the pulling power in some scenarios. That said, I think you sit in the nice middle with that 1.4

The reason I mentioned injectors is because there can be various things that can cause vibrations. In my case, it turned out to be an injector. Also, I forgot to mention, check your coils. They can very easily be the culprit, but with them, you would be able to see the engine itself shaking when you open the hood.

In normal circumstances when you turn on the car, the engine would start at around 1200rpm, sit there for a min or so and then settle down on around 850rpms. During those 1200rpm's you would feel very slight vibration if you concentrate on the engine but it should be nothing that would draw your attention if you're not paying any.
Ok I´ll check the injectors,coils and the evap valve when i get home. Thank you :D
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