
  1. prezf

    Part fell out when stripping vents!

    Hi, I was stripping my vents and I kinda pulled it to hard and it fell apart ;/ now I found a part I have no idea where should go. Please help me, Ineed to put this together today... That's stipped vent. That's part I don't know where should go Thanks, Prez
  2. Special tools needed to strip car?

    Hi All, The bottom bearings have gome on my V5 so I am goijg to strip the cr of all its parts and then srap the shell. I had a look around the car today and I need to get some star like tools to get the doors of the car. Does anyone know the size that is needed? Are there any other...
  3. fourtwofive


    hey guys just got home from work and decided to start stripping my car out took 20 mins and took the seats and belts out makes a difference i think. road noise is a problem. anyone else doing this at the moment? tips info that kinda thing would be cool
  4. AlexGSi2000

    Stripping Callipers

    Just wondering how easy/hard it is to strip callipers down for cleaning? Im going to be carrying out a complete brake overhaul on the Cupra early next month and want to strip down the Brembos to make sure there clean and working properly. Can it be done DIY, or am I best taking them to a...
  5. Stripping Paintwork

    Ok, so i've managed to get hold of a face lift cupra bumper, but its kiwi green.. I need to re-spray it black, but have no idea what to use to strip the paint off as it is made of plastic and i'm worried about damage to the bumper itself.. Can any one tell me of a cheap affordable stripper...
  6. Havok316

    Stripping out the stereo 2moro

    Hi all as some may know i still have audio interferance so im going to rip it all out tomorrow and re-do the whole lot! Could anybody help me with the following. 1. Where are the speaker connections to the standard H/U and how can i access them. 2. Which side of the car do the cables run...
  7. andy_dea

    removing the glue after stripping the tar sounddeading off?

    started the task of stripping the tar sounddeading from inside the car last night got all the rear done, just the front to go people who have done it what solvents have you used to get all the glue and remains off the bodywork after? cheers andy
  8. Jamie R


    Has anyone on here made any attemp at getting the weight down on the ibiza. If so what have you removed to do so? Also does anyone on here have a rollcage?
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