
  1. Special tools needed to strip car?

    Hi All, The bottom bearings have gome on my V5 so I am goijg to strip the cr of all its parts and then srap the shell. I had a look around the car today and I need to get some star like tools to get the doors of the car. Does anyone know the size that is needed? Are there any other...
  2. Useable parts from a scrapped Audi A3?

    hey guys my mate has an audi a3 just a quick question hes is scraping the car is it anytinhg i should take before it goes as it would be a shame to see it go then i need sumthing many thnks guys:think: 1.8 20v turbo
  3. Scrap Yards In Southwest

    Hi does anyone know of any good scrap yards in somerset, I'm looking to pick some bit's up for my wifes leon like, new steering wheel, gear gaitor, new interior?
  4. The scrap man cometh...

    Scrap man is arriving tomorrow evening to take away the green machine... Been sat too long on the front lawn and it has to go... But at the weekend I'll post pics of the new arrival to replace it ;)
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